Neuromorphic Computing Group

Brain-Inspired Systems at UC Santa Cruz

Neuromorphic Computing Group

New Paper: “Surgical Gym: A high-performance GPU-based platform for reinforcement learning with surgical robots” led by PhD Candidate Samuel Schmidgall accepted at the 2024 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)

Preprint link here.

Abstract: Recent advances in robot-assisted surgery have resulted in progressively more precise, efficient, and minimally invasive procedures, sparking a new era of robotic surgical intervention. This enables doctors, in collaborative interaction with robots, to perform traditional or minimally invasive surgeries with improved outcomes through smaller incisions. Recent efforts are working toward making robotic surgery more autonomous which has the potential to reduce variability of surgical outcomes and reduce complication rates. Deep reinforcement learning methodologies offer scalable solutions for surgical automation, but their effectiveness relies on extensive data acquisition due to the absence of prior knowledge in successfully accomplishing tasks. Due to the intensive nature of simulated data collection, previous works have focused on making existing algorithms more efficient. In this work, we focus on making the simulator more efficient, making training data much more accessible than previously possible. We introduce Surgical Gym, an open-source high performance platform for surgical robot learning where both the physics simulation and reinforcement learning occur directly on the GPU. We demonstrate between 100-5000x faster training times compared with previous surgical learning platforms. The code is available at:

New Paper: “Exploiting deep learning accelerators for neuromorphic workloads” led by Ph.D. Candidate Vincent Sun in collaboration with Graphcore published in Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering

See the full paper here.


Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have achieved orders of magnitude improvement in terms of energy consumption and latency when performing inference with deep learning workloads. Error backpropagation is presently regarded as the most effective method for training SNNs, but in a twist of irony, when training on modern graphics processing units (GPUs) this becomes more expensive than non-spiking networks. The emergence of Graphcore’s Intelligence Processing Units (IPUs) balances the parallelized nature of deep learning workloads with the sequential, reusable, and sparsified nature of operations prevalent when training SNNs. IPUs adopt multi-instruction multi-data (MIMD) parallelism by running individual processing threads on smaller data blocks, which is a natural fit for the sequential, non-vectorized steps required to solve spiking neuron dynamical state equations. We present an IPU-optimized release of our custom SNN Python package, snnTorch, which exploits fine-grained parallelism by utilizing low-level, pre-compiled custom operations to accelerate irregular and sparse data access patterns that are characteristic of training SNN workloads. We provide a rigorous performance assessment across a suite of commonly used spiking neuron models, and propose methods to further reduce training run-time via half-precision training. By amortizing the cost of sequential processing into vectorizable population codes, we ultimately demonstrate the potential for integrating domain-specific accelerators with the next generation of neural networks.

New snnTorch Tutorial: Exoplanet Hunter by Undergraduate Students Ruhai Lin, Aled dela Cruz, and Karina Aguilar

See the tutorial here.

The transit method is a widely used and successful technique for detecting exoplanets. When an exoplanet transits its host star, it causes a temporary reduction in the star’s light flux (brightness). Compared to other techniques, the transmit method has has discovered the largest number of planets.

Astronomers use telescopes equipped with photometers or spectrophotometers to continuously monitor the brightness of a star over time. Repeated observations of multiple transits allows astronomers to gather more detailed information about the exoplanet, such as its atmosphere and the presence of moons.

Space telescopes like NASA’s Kepler and TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) have been instrumental in discovering thousands of exoplanets using the transit method. Without the Earth’s atmosphere in the way, there is less interference and more precise measurements are possible. The transit method continues to be a key tool in advancing our understanding of exoplanetary systems. For more information about transit method, you can visit NASA Exoplanet Exploration Page.

New Paper: “Neuromorphic cytometry: implementation on cell counting and size estimation” led by Ziyao Zhang and Omid Kavehei in Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering

See the full paper here.


Imaging flow cytometry (FC) is a powerful analytic tool that combines the principles of conventional FC with rich spatial information, allowing more profound insight into single-cell analysis. However, offering such high-resolution, full-frame feedback can restrain processing speed and has become a significant trade-off during development. In addition, the dynamic range (DR) offered by conventional photosensors can only capture limited fluorescence signals, which compromises the detection of high-velocity fluorescent objects. Neuromorphic photo-sensing focuses on the events of interest via individual-firing pixels to reduce data redundancy and latency. With its inherent high DR, this architecture has the potential to drastically elevate the performance in throughput and sensitivity to fluorescent targets. Herein, we presented an early demonstration of neuromorphic cytometry, demonstrating the feasibility of adopting an event-based resolution in describing spatiotemporal feedback on microscale objects and for the first time, including cytometric-like functions in object counting and size estimation to measure 8 µm, 15 µm microparticles and human monocytic cell line (THP-1). Our work has achieved highly consistent outputs with a widely adopted flow cytometer (CytoFLEX) in detecting microparticles. Moreover, the capacity of an event-based photosensor in registering fluorescent signals was evaluated by recording 6 µm Fluorescein isothiocyanate-marked particles in different lighting conditions, revealing superior performance compared to a standard photosensor. Although the current platform cannot deliver multiparametric measurements on cells, future endeavours will include further functionalities and increase the measurement parameters (granularity, cell condition, fluorescence analysis) to enrich cell interpretation.